
我們的成員是我們的鄰居。 我們都關心同樣的事情,比如有一個好的醫生和質量,負擔得起的護理。 我們致力於為您提供易於獲取的優質護理,並尊重您的需求。 我們隨時為您提供説明。


該聯盟是一個公共的、非營利的非營利性保健計劃,致力於使阿拉米達縣獲得高品質的保健服務,並負擔得起。 該聯盟成立於1996年1月,由阿拉米達縣居民創建,併為其建立。

In the Community

At the Alliance, we are committed to improving the quality of life of our members and people throughout our diverse community. This commitment is carried out in part through our community outreach and community partnerships in Alameda County.

For more information on community events and activities that the Alliance is participating in, please check out our upcoming events in our calendar.

We are here to help

For more information, please contact:

Alliance Communications & Outreach Department
Email: communications&outreach@alamedaalliance.org