Providers can view and search through our formulary using the links below. The Alliance Medication Formulary is a list of medications covered by the Alliance to meet your patient’s needs. This formulary applies to Alliance Medi-Cal and Group Care.

To search the Alliance Medication formulary, please click here.

Formulary Updates

The Alliance Pharmacy & Therapeutics (P&T) Committee meets quarterly to review the medication formulary, medication utilization patterns, and to establish and/or update the formulary, guidelines, protocols, programs, and procedures that help ensure high quality, cost-effective medication therapy.

Providers can submit a Formulary Review Request Form to the Alliance Pharmacy & Therapeutics (P&T) Committee for their consideration for review of a medication.

To view Alliance Formulary updates, please click here.

Formulary Management Procedures

Certain restrictions and limits may apply to the medication on the Alliance’s Medication Formulary.

Age & Gender Limits

When there is a clear justification for certain age or gender groups, the Alliance will apply age or gender limits. For example, prenatal vitamins are limited to females only.

If a medication is required outside of the age or gender limit, a Prescription Drug Prior Authorization (PA) Request Form, along with documentation of an existing medical need, must be submitted for consideration. Procedures and timeframes will follow our prescription drug PA process.

Generic Substitution

The Alliance has a mandatory generic program. The intent of this program is to promote utilization of appropriate generic alternatives, when medically appropriate.

If a brand name product is necessary in lieu of an approved generic medication due to a documented medical need, a Prescription Drug Prior Authorization (PA) Request Form must be submitted. Procedures and timeframes will follow our PA process.

Machine Readable Formulary

In accordance with 42 CFR 438.10(i)(1) – (3), the Alliance has made available a machine readable formulary file in the format specified by the Secretary of Health and Human Services. This file includes which medication are covered (brand and generic name) and the tier of the medication.

Quantity Limits

A quantity limit establishes the maximum amount of medication that the Alliance will cover within a defined period of time.

If a member has a medical condition that requires a quantity medication that exceeds our limit, a Prescription Drug Prior Authorization (PA) Request Form, along with documentation of an existing medical need, must be submitted for consideration. Procedures and timeframes will follow our prescription drug PA process.

Terapia escalonada

The Alliance uses Step Therapy to promote cost-effective pharmaceutical management when there are multiple effective medications available to treat a medical condition.

Medications that have a Step Therapy requirement will require one (1) or more prerequisite first step medication(s) to be tried before progressing to a second step medication. When a prescription for a Step Therapy medication is filled at the dispensing pharmacy, the pharmacy benefits claims processor will search past claims for the first step medication.

A Step Therapy medication can be obtained without a prerequisite first step medication by submitting a Prescription Drug Prior Authorization (PA) Request Form, along with documentation of an existing medical need for consideration. Procedures and timeframes will follow our prescription drug PA process.

Intercambio Terapéutico

La Alianza puede utilizar el Intercambio Terapéutico para promover la terapia farmacéutica racional cuando la evidencia sugiere que los resultados pueden mejorarse sustituyendo un medicamento que es terapéuticamente equivalente pero químicamente diferente del prescrito Medicación.

Los protocolos de intercambio terapéutico nunca son automáticos; un proveedor dispensador no puede sustituir un medicamento alternativo terapéuticamente equivalente por el medicamento prescrito sin el conocimiento y la autorización del profesional de la prescripción.