Do you have a complaint or grievance? We can help you solve it.
Your satisfaction is important to us! If you have a problem with the Alliance, you have the right to make a complaint. This is also called filing an appeal or a grievance. An appeal is when you ask for review of an “Adverse Benefit Determination.”
Adverse Benefit Determinations can be:
- A denial or limited authorization of a requested service.
- This can include:
- Decisions that are based on the type or level of service
- Medical necessity
- Appropriate care and setting
- The effectiveness of a covered benefit
- This can include:
- A reduction, suspension, or termination of a previously authorized service.
- A denial, in whole or in part, of payment for a service.
- A failure to provide services in a timely manner.
- The failure of the Alliance to resolve a grievance or appeal within the required time frames.
- A denial of your request to see a provider outside of the Alliance network.
- A denial of your request to dispute financial liability.