The Alliance covers Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) trauma screenings on an ongoing basis for all Alliance Medi-Cal members up to 65 years of age.
For more information regarding the Medi-Cal ACEs Trauma Screening benefit, please click here.
Beginning Wednesday, July 1, 2020, providers must attest to completing certified ACEs training on the DHCS website to continue receiving directed payments. To access ACEs training information, please click here.
Providers must utilize the required screening tools and HCPCS codes to be eligible for payment. Providers must also document all of the required elements such as the completed screening tool, results, discussion, and actions taken. This documentation must remain in the member’s medical record and be available upon request.
To view the Prop 56 DHCS All Plan Letter for Fiscal Year 2018-2019 regarding ACEs Trauma Screening, please click here.