If you do not agree with the processing or non-payment that is not related to a claim, you may request to file a provider grievance by contacting:
Mailing Address:
Alameda Alliance for Health
ATTN: Alliance Provider Services Department
PO Box 2818
Alameda, CA 94501-0460
If the Peer Review & Credentialing Committee (PRCC) recommends an adverse decision based on medical quality concerns of an initial application or re-credentialing that result in a mandatory reportable action, the practitioner will be notified in writing of this decision. The practitioner has the right to request a hearing before a Judicial Review Committee (JRC) within 30 days of receipt of the PRCC notification. A provider who wishes, and is eligible, to file an appeal of an adverse credentialing or participation decision must deliver a written notice requesting a fair hearing before the JRC to the Alliance Chief Medical Officer within the time period specified.
The following procedures are followed for a Judicial Review process:
- Fair Hearings shall be brought before a JRC for review and recommendation.
- Notice will be given to the provider stating the date of the JRC and the provider shall have an opportunity to present their position.
- The decision of the JRC will be sent to the PRCC and the practitioner.
- The JRC will issue a written decision which shall include findings of fact and a conclusion within 30 calendar days after final adjournment of the hearing.